Our Courses
Programme Schedule and Information for 2025
Programme Information
Take Advantage of CPI Customised and One-on-One Training
- We discuss with you the particular areas of training you want
- We advise on content and methods to achieve your training objectives
- We prepare the training programme to emphasise your precise needs
In-house training can be conducted at your training facility or alternative premises if you prefer, and at a time convenient to you. Fees are set at a daily rate for the agreed number of participants.
One-on-one training is entirely flexible to suit the needs and circumstances of individuals. Discuss these with us.
CPI Training Methods
We use a range of active and interactive training methods to suit the varied learning styles of participants. All participants receive an activity based course manual which also contains valuable resource material for later reference. We believe and follow the principle that participants learn best when they enjoy the training experience.
A certificate of participation is issued to all participants who complete the programme.
Two Day Courses
Write Right
An opportunity to improve essential writing skills. This is a workshop on clear expression, word choice, conciseness, editing for clarity and correct grammar, usage and style for reports, letters, memos, and email.
Powerful Presentations
Make confident, clear and interesting presentations which attract and hold audience interest. Learn how to select and use visual aids, including power point.
Professional Secretary and Administrator
Develop the people skills for business and personal benefit neccessary for PA’s and Office Administrators.
Successful Team Building
Develop skills to build and lead successful, task centred teams. Discover how successful teams are formed and function. Learn how to recognise and use individual difference to enhance the team, sustain group morale, raise standards of performance, empower staff and use successful leadership skills.
Successful Negotiating Skills
To equip salespeople, administrators, managers, representatives and all who need skills to negotiate a win-win outcome and use persuasive techniques.
Management Skills for Women
A seminar workshop for women who wish to develop or update their management effectiveness.
Successful Problem Solving and Decision Making
Use creative thinking to solve problems and make clear, logical and productive decisions. Learn how to use creative thinking to detect and prevent problems which could arise. Manage and resolve problems which do arise. Assess and develop your creative potential. Discover a range of creative thinking tools for problem solving and positive productive decision making.
Supervisory Management
Learn how to develop and apply the best supervisory management skills and procedures to be organised, a good leader, an effective motivator, a good communicator, productive and able to encourage productivity. New supervisors will find ways to exercise the confident and effective skills of planning, communication, leadership, team building, staff selection, delegation and evaluation. Experiences supervisors will have an opportunity to update their skills and find solutions to problems they are meeting at work.
One Day Courses
Time Management
For executives, managers, supervisors and senior staff to plan, organise, control and audit their productive work flow, using effective assertive skills.
Stress Free Productive Work
Manage stress during the working day by using ‘The Busy Person’s Guide to Relaxation©’, a successful physical and mental relaxation routine devised by Melda Townsley.
Customer Satisfaction
How to deliver excellent services within the organisation and to the public.
Customer Service Management
A programme for customer services managers and senior staff which links with the Customer Satisfaction programme. Learn how to translate company policy and service standards into the delivery of quality service and evaluating that service.
Telephone Skills for Customer Satisfaction
Emphasis is placed on telephone courtesies, listening, checking, responsible message taking and delivering, dealing with problems, projecting the company image, giving information, satisfying the customer’s need for professional treatment and timely service.
In-House Training 2025
Plan early and book early for in-house training for 2025. CPI will –
- Customise and run a standard communication programme for your Organisation (see a list of programmes above)
- Design a communication skills programme specifically for your organisation
- Meet the communication training needs of staff in business and not-for-profit organisatons
- Design refresher programmes in written and spoken communication
- Design extension programmes in advanced communication skills
Let us know your needs
Discuss with us how we may help you.
Minimum number for group training – 5 participants