Shape the message so it is easily received and remembered

Do people remember only the first part of your message? Do they forget important information further on?

Help people listen to hear and remember all the information by following these simple guidelines:

  • Keep the list short – three to five major points if possible
  • Arrange the major points in logical order
  • Group minor information under these major headings, again aiming for a short list of minor points
  • Number the major points
  • Announce how many points you will be giving in the announcement e.g. There are five notices this morning
  • Say each point clearly and firmly, speaking at a rate that is easy to follow
  • Use your voice to highlight special information e.g. Point three is particularly important for out of town visitors, and when grouping minor points
  • Summarise the numbered major points at the end.
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07. January 2014 by Melda Townsley
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